Ramonak-03 vs. Forced-Air Warming Systems: A Comprehensive Comparison of Patient Warming TechnologiesWhen choosing a patient warming solution, one crucial factor to consider is whether to go with disposable or reusable systems.Read more
Inadvertent Perioperative Hypothermia: Causes and ConsequencesInadvertent perioperative hypothermia is a common yet preventable complication in the surgical setting that occurs when a patient’s core body temperature drops below 36°C during the perioperative period.Read more
Battery-Powered Blood Warmers: Advantages and BenefitsThis blog post explores the benefits of these devices, their applications, and their impact on patient outcomes.Read more
How to Choose the Right Blanket and Fluid Warmer for Your Healthcare FacilityA reliable blanket and fluid warmer can make all the difference in delivering optimal patient care. Here are some key considerations to help guide your decision.Read more
The Importance of Blood Warming in Medical Environment: Types of Blood WarmersA blood warmer is a crucial medical device that heats blood or other fluids to a suitable temperature before administrationRead more
Surgical Wound Infections prevention: Non-Pharmacologic StrategiesEnsuring patients remain normothermic can substantially reduce infection rates and improve overall surgical outcomes.Read more
Plasma Thawers. Advantages and differences of dry thawing from water bathPlasma thawers are designed for gentle, safe, uniform, and fast thawing and warming of frozen cryoprecipitate and Fresh Frozen Plasma before transfusion. Uncontrolled thawing carry a risk of damaging vital components.Read more
Hypothermia in emergency surgery: the importance of blood heating during transfusionLearn about the importance of blood heating devices.Read more
Medical warming cabinet: Preventative MaintenanceThe article contains a list of critical checks that must be performed daily, weekly, monthly to maintain the functionality and longevity of cabinets.Read more
Prevention of hypothermia throughout all perioperative stagesUtilizing warming techniques in pre-op, the operating room, and the PACU enhances patient satisfaction and reduce the risk of complicationsRead more
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