Hypothermia prevention & management

Prevention and Treatment of Hypothermia

Hypothermia is a human body condition when the temperature drops below (35 ° C) than is necessary to maintain normal metabolism and its functioning.

Emergence factors

Hypothermia always occurs in the pre-, intra- and postoperative periods. It is especially noticeable during long-term surgical interventions, severe injuries and burns. The influence of environmental factors (microclimate in the operating room), anesthesia and cold infusion solutions are far from all causes of hypothermia.

Negative consequences

Hypothermia causes serious complications from the cardiovascular, respiratory, and neuromuscular systems, slows down drug metabolism and increases the frequency of infection. The negative consequences include an increase in blood loss, blood viscosity and interfere wound healing.

Special risk of hypothermia

  • Newborns, children and older patients
  • Patients with reduced body weight, premature babies
  • Patients with metabolic disorders
  • Patients with muscle atrophy
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus
  • Patients with extensive burns
  • Intoxicated patients

The risk of developing complications associated with hypothermia can be minimized by taking the following measures:

  • Ensuring the optimum temperature for the operating room and hospital wards
  • Using patient warming systems
  • Warming solutions and liquids before / during infusion-transfusion therapy
  • Warming of hospital blankets, bed linen, dressings

For prevention and effective treatment, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to the issue of eliminating hypothermia: to apply all of the above measures. Our company produces a line of equipment both for warming the patient (adults and newborns) and warming devices for fluids and liquids, hospital blankets, underwear and bed linen.

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